Press release
“Oleina” brand acted as a partner in holding the national competition for primary school teachers “Climate for our children”. In the course of this competition, teachers from all regions of Ukraine sent 124 papers, representing the original methods of teaching environmental awareness to children of junior and high schools.
“Climate for our children” competition is one of the many tools used to teach environmental subjects, which have been implemented since 2020 by the NGO “Living Planet” with the support of the Finnish Embassy in Ukraine in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, regional institutes of postgraduate employees, etc.
The winners of the competition – teachers made the best cases with supporting materials and examples of exercises for such subjects, as mathematics, reading, Ukrainian language for students of grades 1-4.
Assignment topics:
More details about the contest and contest results
The Oleina brand has always attached great importance to environmental responsibility, not only supporting initiatives such as “Climate on our Children,” but also ensuring the standards of its products. Back in 2013, products under “Oleina” brand in Ukraine were certified in accordance with the requirements of international standards DSTU ISO 14024, as a result of which it received an Ecological (environmental) certificate.
The certificate confirms that products do not contain any GMO and food additives of artificial origin, as well as comply with improved environmental characteristics of production process, high quality standards and requirements for packing materials.
Assessment results are also recognized in more than 54 countries of the world, including the EU and the USA. As a responsible brand, Oleina supports environmental education in Ukraine.